Happy New Year 上市 Deposited
- From CMcdon0923@aol.com Mon Jan 01 13:50:52 2001
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From: "Craig McDonald" <CMcdon0923@aol.com>
Happy New Year everybody. Hope your holidays were good.
All this talk of food....I only used to get into NYC once or twice a
year when we lived back in PA, but whenever we got there we always
made a stop at Zabars for their coffee, and right across the street
(?) to H & H Bagels.
I can smell the pork roast in the oven now, and can't wait for the
sauerkraut and mashed potatoes...mmmmmmmmmm good!!
Happy New Year everybody,
Craig McDonald
Frisco, Texas
(a transplanted Yankee) - 2001-01-01
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