VT Counterfeiting reference 上市 Deposited
- From mhodder@worldpath.net Wed Jan 10 14:07:01 2001
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Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:51:42 -0500
To: tcolonial@aol.com
Cc: colonial-coins@egroups.com
Subject: VT Counterfeiting reference
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From: "Mike Hodder" <mhodder@worldpath.net>
Thanks very much for sending the copy of Lathrop's "History of
the Vermont Coinage" which seems to have originally appeared in
Mehl's Numismatic Monthly (date?).
Lathrop got much wrong (he has the Green Mountain Boys nicknaming
the bust type VT coppers "Tory Coppers" because the head is that
of George III). Therefore, his statements about the Crane
brothers making coins on the side of Mount Antone circa 1800
using some of Harmon's old equipment can't be accepted as
accurate without further substantiation. I've been through the VT
State Papers but the only Cranes I find are not called
counterfeiters (or anything else for that matter, they're just
witnesses to petitions). I can't find a Mt. Antone in VT (can
you?). Kenneth Scott's mention of the Cranes is clearly derived
directly from Lathrop since it's almost verbatim in places.
Thus, we have a story which is interesting and suggestive, but
unsupported. That's not to say that there wasn't counterfeiting
of silver coins going on even in the wilds of VT. There was, and
more than we might suspect, too. But the link to Harmon's
equipment is still uncertain.
I've copied this to the colonial coins group at large since the
Lathrop story is important if/when substantiated.
Mike Hodder - 2001-01-10
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