Rarity Ratings R1-R3 Publique Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From PLMossman@aol.com Sun Jan 21 17:15:37 2001
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Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 20:15:26 EST
Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Rarity Ratings R1-R3
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From: PLMossman@aol.com
In a message dated 01-01-21 19:53:19 EST, you write:
<< I presume there was a crimp in the planchet cutter. This is a marker
for Machin Mills (at least at a point in time). I think there is
another colonial that comes with a similar clip, but I seem to
have "blanked out" on what it is. Can anyone help? >>
Good point - I never thought about that - except to say that the clip is not
always the same size.
Phil - 2001-01-21
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