We are now Yahoo......resistance is futile Público Deposited
- From vermont@mindspring.com Fri Jan 26 08:40:36 2001
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Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 16:40:21 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: We are now Yahoo......resistance is futile
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From: vermont@mindspring.com
The advanced warning that I posted about 4 months ago finally came
true! The egroups transition to Yahoo Groups (which purchased
egroups) has now taken place. For those of you who have managed to
get here and see this message, you need to take the following steps
to "import" your previous egroups memberships into your new Yahoo
1) Sign up for a new Yahoo ID. You must have already done this to
see this message.
2) Click on the "My Groups" tab. This will take you to a page that
has no groups in it yet.
3) Click on the "Egroups Wizard" link. This will ask you to sign in
with your old egroups password, then it will "import" your old
egroups into your Yahoo account.
4) Once that is done, you can begin getting used to the new user
interface at Yahoo.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask (by e-mail).
Bob Merchant, Group Moderator
Yahoo ID: florida_bob_1
email: vermont@mindspring.com - 2001-01-26
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