Wall Street Rarities Público Deposited
- From johnmenc@mindspring.com Thu Feb 01 06:16:05 2001
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Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 14:15:33 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Wall Street Rarities
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From: johnmenc@mindspring.com
As some of you know I left Wall Street Rarities in December. I wish
the company all the success in the future. I have started a new
position in my previous line of business which is
environmental/safety in a position on Orangeburg, NY just a half hour
from home. I will still be corresponding with Bill Sr. on the Mott
Token situation as my next resarch project, since the Newburg Hoard
article is completed and will be published in CNL shortly.
I was amazed at the NJ prices as most people. At these prices
collectors who currently own nice collections such as myself are
starting to say - should I cash in! However, don't hold your breath.
The last frontier is undoubtedly these contemporary counterfeits. The
Counterfeit 2 Reales article was well received but no one has come
forth yet and questioned alternative origins to these pieces. Does
this mean agreement?
Any individual at this time wanting to ask preliminary questions on
the Mott Token can and I will try to answer your questions as I have
viewed this specimen.
John Lorenzo - 2001-02-01
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