whacky ebay Público Deposited
- From bkweston@netzero.net Mon Feb 26 13:59:27 2001
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Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 21:59:25 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: whacky ebay
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From: bkweston@netzero.net
--- In colonial-coins@y..., rob retz <auctoricon@h...> wrote:
> Tell you what, Byron. You look for the other four in Cleveland and
> look for the nail here in Portland. If we can prove to Mike that
my nail
> made your four punch marks we'll sell them all as a set. Jim can
write an
> article for CNL about the isostatic displacement of the punch marks.
> BTW: I'm sure that you'll need more than 3 greats to get back to
> Revolutionary War. My great x 5 grandfather fought with Ethan and
Ira Allen
> and the Green Mountain Boys in Vermont and at the Battle of Quebec
> Seth Wheeler).
> Rob
After the war Indians lived longer, Rob, and longevity runs on both
sides of my family, not saying that I will be that lucky, so I may
not need as many greats?!
Byron - 2001-02-26
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