[Colonial Numismatics]wacky eBay Pubblico Deposited
- From freidus@wwnet.net Fri Apr 20 13:56:20 2001
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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 16:55:09 -0400
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics]wacky eBay
From: Dan Freidus <freidus@wwnet.net>
Rob and Dave and all others who wish to make lots of money,
Hmmm, why spend $60 to prevent getting ripped off when for barely, more,
$99.99 you can buy my report on internet scams. By reselling this report
you'll soon have enough to buy a house with no money down! Quit your job
and help people avoid getting ripped off, all at the same time!
We don't advertise with TV infomercials because we'd rather pass the
savings on to you. That's right only $99.99 plus a reasonable shipping and
handling fee which we don't actually disclose but will, of course, charge
to your credit card. (despite courts in 6 states having a different opinion
about whether it's a reasonable handling fee, WE believe it's reasonable.
That's our story and we're sticking to it. and if you don't get rich by
selling reports, we can show you how to get rich selling cheap things with
added "shipping and handling" fees.)
THis offer only good til midnight. Good in all 13 colonies plus Vermont!
P.S. If you'd like to know about a knife that can cut a Connecticut copper
in half and still be sharp enough to slice a tomato paper thin, just search
ebay with keyword "ginsu".
At 1:22 PM -0400 4/20/01, dmenchell@aol.com wrote:
>Have I got a deal for you! For $59.95, I have the ultimate book which
>teaches you how not to get ripped off by conartists selling books about
>getting ripped off! This will solve all your problems! - 2001-04-20
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