[Colonial Numismatics]wacky eBay Pubblico Deposited
- From Early_American_Relics@YAHOO.COM Sun Apr 22 21:19:00 2001
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Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics]wacky eBay
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From: HENRY PIETILA <Early_American_Relics@YAHOO.COM>
Well Rob:
I reread my description of the coin in question and
I stand by it as being accurate. Perhaps my choice of
words were a bit inappropriate, but I never used the
word "holographic". What I did choose to do is use an
analogy that I felt best illustrated the existing
The light pin scratch in question is hardly, if at
all, noticeable - especially if one were to look at
the coin in any angle other than straight-on. In other
words, it is no big deal, but I feel all problems, no
matter how insignificant, should be described using
whatever analogy best conveys that particular item.
Do you disagree or are you just trying to contribute
to the "Wacky Ebay" contest?
Best regards,
Henry Pietila
--- rob retz <auctoricon@home.com> wrote:
> All our coin problems should be like the one on eBay
> #1232272963 - it's got
> a holographic pin scratch! At one angle you see it,
> but at all other angles
> it disappears! I find that the scratches on my
> coins disappear when I close
> my eyes.
> Rob
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