[Colonial Numismatics]wacky eBay Pubblico Deposited
- From auctoricon@home.com Sun Apr 22 23:40:50 2001
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Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 23:40:47 -0700
Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics]wacky eBay
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From: rob retz <auctoricon@home.com>
Recently one individual had felt that I 'personally attacked' him on the
board. I felt that it was best to reply in private. His response has been
to state on the board that I have also now 'attacked him' privately. To set
the record straight my purported 'private personal attack' is below for all
to see and judge
Rather than clutter up the board with a reply, I'll reply privately.
You did not use the word 'holographic' - I did - because I feel that it
very accurately describes how the particular defect was presented in the
The scratch is 'hardly, if at all noticeable' - SEGS surely noticed it and
it's clearly obvious on the scan.
If you really want to gain an understanding of how I contribute to the
'wacky eBay contest' go to the seller search on eBay and type in abuell
(make sure that you also check 'search completed items')
Rob Retz (abuell) - 2001-04-22
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