1787 M.2-B w/old ink Publique Deposited

- From cvs@mediaone.net Tue Jun 05 18:45:19 2001
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Subject: 1787 M.2-B w/old ink
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 21:46:14 -0400
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From: "Clement V. Schettino" <cvs@mediaone.net>
Hey all,
I just picked up a decent Miller 1787 2-B with an old inking of '2-B' (2
above B) in the left obv field and what looks like a 'D' in the right obv
field. Can anyone please tell me what or who the 'D' stands for?
And is "medal turn" the normal alignment for this variety? It's not
mentioned in Perkins.
Thank you,
Clem - 2001-06-05
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