Certain Nicest 1771 Publique Deposited

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  • From joshalso2000@yahoo.com Wed Aug 15 06:26:34 2001
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    Subject: Certain Nicest 1771
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    From: MORRIS HANKINS <joshalso2000@yahoo.com>

    Gee guys,

    I wonder how many of us are going to bid on a certain
    CTFT piece on eBay (1265095343) just in case someone
    missed it?

    Bidders list is a roll call of the Colonial-Coins

    Byron, why do you start the Simians now at all times?

    We really should bid by -1- penny increments. Whoops,
    that is not the American Way. Oops, can they call
    that collusion?

    Watch out, I pot shot or is that snipe?

    That is really a pretty piece and whoever gets it, I
    hope will photograph it at high resolution so all the
    group can share it.


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URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-08-15
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