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- From Wed Aug 15 14:03:54 2001
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--- In colonial-coins@y..., MORRIS HANKINS <joshalso2000@y...> wrote: > Gee guys, > > I wonder how many of us are going to bid on a certain > CTFT piece on eBay (1265095343) just in case someone > missed it? > > Bidders list is a roll call of the Colonial-Coins > group.
Well, Morris, I think I can save you and OTHERS the effort of getting the story behind this coin as I've ask the seller a few pertinent questions and feel safe in sharing his response with you all. I will have to delete a name he dropped though. You guys could have left my bid stand for a day or two - at least! - so I could bask in the glory of being in the game for a while!!! Anyway, here is what info I think I can share:
"This was part of a MASSIVE (over 40 lbs) ass't of older Copper, &c material all dumped into an old box-had been in the family since whenever...this piece-I cannot find any info. Doesn't seem to have been in the past C4 sale of over 200 pieces cont. ctft. collection. It's HEAVY at 8.8 grams; shallow-handcut dies lead me to believe that it was struck sometime in the 1780s. XXXX XXXXXX is coming up to see if he has it=he has a verey few represented in his massive collection."
Take it from me, Morris, if Mr. 'X,' wants it, ain't nobody else gonna get it! Of course that shouldn't keep anyone from bidding - I'm thinking about upping my bid closer to close. Other than that there ain't no strategy! Should be interesting in the end!
My only question, to myself, is should I inform the seller about this piece - now that's a real moral dilema! Byron
> > Byron, why do you start the Simians now at all times? > > We really should bid by -1- penny increments. Whoops, > that is not the American Way. Oops, can they call > that collusion? > > Watch out, I pot shot or is that snipe? > > That is really a pretty piece and whoever gets it, I > hope will photograph it at high resolution so all the > group can share it. > > Morris > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger >
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