Certain Nicest 1771 Publique Deposited


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  • From bkweston@netzero.net Wed Aug 15 14:03:54 2001
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    Subject: Re: Certain Nicest 1771
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    From: "Byron K. Weston" <bkweston@netzero.net>

    --- In colonial-coins@y..., MORRIS HANKINS <joshalso2000@y...> wrote:
    > Gee guys,
    > I wonder how many of us are going to bid on a certain
    > CTFT piece on eBay (1265095343) just in case someone
    > missed it?
    > Bidders list is a roll call of the Colonial-Coins
    > group.

    Well, Morris, I think I can save you and OTHERS the effort of getting
    the story behind this coin as I've ask the seller a few pertinent
    questions and feel safe in sharing his response with you all. I will
    have to delete a name he dropped though. You guys could have left my
    bid stand for a day or two - at least! - so I could bask in the glory
    of being in the game for a while!!!
    Anyway, here is what info I think I can share:

    "This was part of a MASSIVE (over 40 lbs) ass't of older Copper, &c
    material all dumped into an old box-had been in the family since
    whenever...this piece-I cannot find any info. Doesn't seem to have
    been in the past C4 sale of over 200 pieces cont. ctft. collection.
    It's HEAVY at 8.8 grams; shallow-handcut dies lead me to believe that
    it was struck sometime in the 1780s. XXXX XXXXXX is coming up to see
    if he has it=he has a verey few represented in his massive

    Take it from me, Morris, if Mr. 'X,' wants it, ain't nobody else
    gonna get it! Of course that shouldn't keep anyone from bidding - I'm
    thinking about upping my bid closer to close. Other than that there
    ain't no strategy! Should be interesting in the end!

    My only question, to myself, is should I inform the seller about this
    piece - now that's a real moral dilema!

    > Byron, why do you start the Simians now at all times?
    > We really should bid by -1- penny increments. Whoops,
    > that is not the American Way. Oops, can they call
    > that collusion?
    > Watch out, I pot shot or is that snipe?
    > That is really a pretty piece and whoever gets it, I
    > hope will photograph it at high resolution so all the
    > group can share it.
    > Morris
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URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-08-15
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