[Colonial Numismatics] Re Público Deposited

Certain Nicest 1771


Contenido del artículo
  • From PowerFlame@aol.com Thu Aug 16 20:09:02 2001
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Certain Nicest 1771
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    In a message dated 8/16/01 11:02:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    noe1oak@yahoo.com writes:

    > Tom, I think I can sum it up for you quickly:
    > In one poor decision, I just saw a twenty year
    > reputation in the business thrown away!
    > Any one interested in taking a ride to Beverly with
    > me? Clem?
    > P.S.- Just out of curiosity, how high were you guys
    > gonna go anyway? I was thinking $1151.51
    > (I hope the seller parted with it for less!)
    > -Chris

    I have no idea how high I would have gone. I just wanted to see my name in
    the bidder history (which, at the moment, seems irrelevant) so I entered
    bidding at $407 or something with heavy expectations to be outbid. I assume
    that the seller has since made a deal with an individual for an "off-eBay"
    transaction, which is a real shame...but when I asked the seller about the
    coin, I received this response:

    <<Hi Eric,

    A question has been raised whether it's GEO II as has been stated, or GEO III
    (big difference I'm told)


    Pete B
    JGM Numismatics>>

    Eh...so I don't really know what to make of the situation. All I know is that
    the coin is no longer up for auction on eBay, and that is all.

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2001-08-16
  • 1


Autor NNP