1267299506 Publique Deposited


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  • From bkweston@netzero.net Wed Aug 22 14:25:55 2001
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    Subject: Re: 1267299506
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    From: "Byron K. Weston" <bkweston@netzero.net>

    --- In colonial-coins@y..., "Raymond Turcotte" <rg5turc@a...> wrote:
    > Hello Byron and C-4 members! I am new to the group and renewed my
    membership with C-4 in February of this year. In regards to the
    struck copies, I think the pursuit of greed will be the ctalyst as to
    whether they catch on or not! Even after the JGM Numismatic's
    incident recently some people have still chosen to bid with his ebay
    offerings irrespective of the seller's integrity or lack there of.
    > Ray

    Welcome back, Ray T., I just glad your intitials aren't R.W., that
    might confuse things!
    Anyway, in regards to the Baby Head incident, the guy I 'talked' to,
    via email, claims it was a management decision because
    of "questionable authenticity." Then the same company puts on this
    nearly worn smooth Geo.II halfpenny - too worn to tell if its real or
    a counterfeit - and claims its an unlisted blacksmith. I'm sorry, I
    wasn't born yesterday, but that takes some gall! I
    guess 'questionable authenticity" is OK in this case though because
    he added the question mark? Back to the Baby Head, how can a
    counterfeit, advertised as a counterfeit, be of "questionable
    In the meantime, while this was still a viable eBay lot, I get an
    email from this guy telling me that the infamous Mr. 'X' is coming to
    look at the piece. If you read back through my postings during this
    time, what I predicted apparently transpired and the lot was pulled.
    A personal favor, perhaps?
    Maybe this guy should be looking for employment elsewhere, because
    with management like that eventually the smell will rub off on to
    him, if it hasn't already. Your right though Ray, others are bidding
    on this alleged major rarity unlisted blacksmith, but I didn't
    recognize any of the bidding monikers as egroup members. What is that
    old saying - Ignorance is...?
    Yes, I'm still a bit miffed about the whole situation and even went
    as far as checking out eBay's polocies, but found nothing to prevent
    the apparent dupping we all got - pardon the language, but that sucks!
    Ganted, I probably wouldn't have ended up with it in the end anyway,
    but it sure would have been fun watching the bidding! I guess its
    just the principal of the whole thing....
    BTW, I had a notion to forward copies of the email I got to everyone
    whose moniker I recognized as bidders, but then that would be
    spitfull, wouldn't it?!

    > --- In colonial-coins@y..., "Byron K. Weston" <bkweston@n...> wrote:
    > > --- In colonial-coins@y..., "Raymond Turcotte" <rg5turc@a...>
    > > > Byron, actually you will see it all when PCGS or NGC starts
    > > slabbing them at MS68 finest known and Heritage runs another top
    > > notch "Bullet Sale"
    > > > Ray Turcotte
    > >
    > > Hi Ray, your name is new to me, I think...anyway, I ask the
    seller a
    > > few questions and other that they don't have 'copy' stamped on
    > > he has no other info as to who, when or where they may have been
    > > made. I wouldn't consider them a threat to counterfeit halfpence
    > > farthing collectors though, I doubt that many were made or caught
    > > and sold, but I suppose someone might buy them and then put them
    > > as an unattributed unlisted blascksmith, or something!
    > > Byron
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > --- In colonial-coins@y..., "Byron Weston" <bkweston@n...>
    > > > > Check out this eBay lot - just when you'd thought you seen it
    > > all!!!
    > > > > Wonder how many of these are going to pop up in collections?!
    > > > > Byron

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-08-22
  • 1

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