controversial 1771 ctft on eBay Público Deposited

new correspondence re


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  • From Sun Sep 02 14:17:55 2001
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    Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 21:17:52 -0000
    Subject: Re: new correspondence re: controversial 1771 ctft on eBay
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    From: "Raymond Turcotte" <>

    Hello Eric,

    Congragulations on your recent achievement and thank you for sharing
    the letter you recieved from Peter. I can fully understand the
    decisions of management and how often they do not represent the views
    of personel. What annoy's me is the comment that no one at JGM new
    what it was at the beginning and at the end. Could someone explain
    to me where in the world they came up out of thin air with "1771
    counterfeit" in the posted description. In my opinion the pursuit of
    the almighty greenback took center stage and JGM Numismatics
    sacrificed truth and integrity for what has become an accepted way of
    doing business!

    I purchased a coin from Peter a few month's back and as he mentioned
    I might miss out on a few choice items they may offer in the future
    but I will not compromise my convictions. JGM Numismatics lost my
    future business simply because they earned it!


    --- In colonial-coins@y..., PowerFlame@a... wrote:
    > Hi everyone,
    > I received this e-mail from Pete of JMG NUM@a..., the seller
    of that
    > very controversial counterfeit 1771 halfpenny on eBay -- the one
    that was
    > pulled off of eBay. It's dated August 20, and I received it while I
    was on
    > vacation in Italy...but here it is, for those who are interested.
    > Eric Cheung
    > ericlc@s...
    > <<Subj: Re: 1771 Coin
    > Date: 8/20/01 9:20:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time
    > From: <A HREF="mailto:JGM NUM">JGM NUM</A>
    > To: <A HREF="mailto:PowerFlame">PowerFlame</A>
    > Hi Eric,
    > I know that you have been sharing my eMails to you w/the collecting
    > community, so please share THIS:
    > I work here; I do not own the company.
    > The coin belonged to the Company, and was not mine to do with as I
    > I am very sorry if this has created any hard feelings with Bidders
    > Prospective Bidders-this was not the intention that I had-the coin
    > expected to run the full course of the auction.
    > If there are those who will not bid on any of our other offerings
    because of
    > this situation, well, I am sorry that you may miss some neat things.
    > I do not appreciate the personal attacks levied on me by some
    > There was nothing "personal" directed at anyone regarding the
    ending of the
    > auction. We didn't know what it was when it was purchased, and
    didn't know
    > what it was when the auction was canceled. Perhaps that would have
    made a
    > difference when the decision was made; I don't know and it's of no
    > speculating about it now.>>

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2001-09-02
  • 1


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