[Colonial Numismatics] ebay # 1271613732 Publique Deposited


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  • From bkweston@netzero.net Thu Sep 06 17:08:19 2001
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] ebay # 1271613732
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    From: "Byron K. Weston" <bkweston@netzero.net>

    --- In colonial-coins@y..., Dan Freidus <freidus@w...> wrote:
    > Exactly my point, 4 classes is full-time. I know that copper and
    > classes aren't exactly the only things Byron is up to. I also
    > that when I went back to school after only 4 years out I was
    > at how much slower I was at being a student. Reading took a lot
    > longer and I don't even want to think about what writing was like.
    > But by the end of that first semester back I had gotten the hang of
    > it again. And I did try ot do some Higley research that year
    > (1986-7) but it got relegated to the back burner a lot (which is
    > it didn't get published to the mid-90s).
    > Dan

    Some interesting thoughts, Dan! Writing is one of my strong suites, I
    suppose, so Business English should be/is my 'breeze' class!
    Unfortunately with everything else - the tough stuff - I have little
    to no time for other things, except MAYBE on weekends(?). Yes,
    reading does take longer, it seems, as does comprehending it - if
    only they had a counterfeit halfpence major!!! The funny thing is
    that in High School, my senior year, I carried a pen and a piece of
    paper in my pocket and that was all that I needed. If I wrote it down
    that was all I needed - I didn't have to look at it again -
    everything else I memorized by staying awake in class. That strategy
    isn't working so well now, although today I did remember a few things
    from yesterday!

    > P.S. Eric, if you email me at work, I'll give you the Coin World
    > number. I don't seem to have it at home. It might also be on
    > web site (www.coinworld.com) but I recall that it's either har dto
    > find or not there.
    > At 10:05 PM -0400 9/4/01, PowerFlame@a... wrote:
    > >In a message dated 9/4/2001 9:54:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    > >freidus@w... writes:
    > >
    > >> Byron,
    > >>
    > >> "Only" four classes? Around here, that's being a full-time
    > >>
    > >> I hope it's going well, even if they do keep you busy.
    > >>
    > >> Dan
    > >
    > >I'm also taking four classes and I'll have my piano and tennis
    coaching as
    > >well...then again I'm a full-time student, so...
    > >
    > >-ERic

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-09-06
  • 1

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