I've had to relocate... Público Deposited

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  • From PowerFlame@aol.com Tue Sep 11 21:07:23 2001
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    Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:03:04 EDT
    Subject: I've had to relocate...
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    From: PowerFlame@aol.com

    About six and a half hours ago, we lost electricity in our apartment. Twenty
    minutes after, we lost all phone service and tap water, so basically we had a
    full blackout in our apartment building. However, between that period, I was
    fortunate enough to be able to call a friend, and I am staying at his house
    right now. There's power and internet access here, but I won't spend much
    time talking about this stuff right now. I just wanted to post here because
    I've received a number of e-mails from people inquiring how I am doing, and I
    just wanted to let everyone know that after a 20 minute walk to a friend's
    house, I am safe. It may be a while before I get to go back to my home, maybe
    a few days or maybe a week, until they clear out most of the debris in the
    building. After the two major collapses, there were a couple other minor
    explosions that destroyed building 7 of the World Trade Center, which is
    where all the emergency power systems of the city are located. Obviously our
    house was affected because we were just four blocks away from this
    indescribable disaster. It's amazing how easy it is for one to take things
    for granted...and it's amazing how much easier it is for something to take
    all of that away.

    Eric Cheung
URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2001-09-11
  • 1


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