[Colonial Numismatics] I've had to relocate... Publique Deposited


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  • From smiledoctor@earthlink.net Wed Sep 12 22:22:57 2001
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    From: Bijan <smiledoctor@earthlink.net>

    Hi Eric,

    I wish you all the best!



    PowerFlame@aol.com wrote:

    > Hi Bijan,
    > I used to live on Broadway and Chambers (4 blocks from the accident) and now I'm around Bleecker and Mercer, which is about 20 blocks but about ten blocks below 14th St. I have a friend who's fortunate enough to house me here, so for now, I'm okay.
    > Thanks for asking and I will inform you of any further developments. I also touched base with my family this morning and I don't know if I told you guys, but my mom, dad, sis and I are each staying at separate places so as not to impose too much on the host families. I am very grateful to my friend who is letting me stay at his place. But hopefully I can just go home soon.
    > Eric
    > In a message dated Wed, 12 Sep 2001 7:47:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Bijan <smiledoctor@earthlink.net> writes:
    > > Eric,
    > >
    > > I'm glad all is well with you! I'm sure you are out of the area, (it is a class B
    > > misdemeanor to be south of 14th street if you are not authorized). There is a lot
    > > more collateral damage, and the worst of the after affects are asbestos. There
    > > was a lot of asbestos in those two buildings (I know someone who was on the top
    > > floor doing asbestos removal for some time). Please stay as far away as possible,
    > > and where a mask when you go out if you are anywhere near there!
    > >
    > > All my best,
    > >
    > > Bijan
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URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-09-12
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