[Colonial Numismatics] I've had to relocate... Publique Deposited


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  • From freidus@wwnet.net Wed Sep 12 23:37:31 2001
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    Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:30:23 -0400
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] I've had to relocate...
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    X-eGroups-From: Dan Freidus <freidus@wwnet.com>
    From: Dan Freidus <freidus@wwnet.net>

    Thanks, Bijan. I knew they both lived in the area but couldn't
    remember exactly where.


    At 10:16 PM -0400 9/12/01, Bijan wrote:
    >David M. is in Great Neck. I have not heard from him, but assume he is well,
    >since he would be at his practice at that time. Dr. Spencer lives in
    >Westchester and is fine, I will be seeing him tomorrow and will let him know
    >you asked about him.
    >Dan Freidus wrote:
    >> I'm glad to hear that both Eric and his family (I didn't realize
    >> where you lived. I used to live right there on Broadway at Maiden
    >> Lane.) and Bijan (and Jen) are okay. Most of the other NY numismatic
    >> colonialists live further away I believe. David M is in Brooklyn,
    >> no? I don't know where Dr. Spencer lives. Has anyone heard from him?
    >> I've accounted for all of my family and have been able to contact
    >> most friends who work or live in the neighborhood. The blood drives
    >> here can barely handle the crowds, which I assume is the case in most
    >> places.
    >> My thoughts are with all of you in New York (and other communities
    >> affected). I know that many of the people on the planes were from
    >> Boston and though I've never seen or read "Six Degrees of Separation"
    >> I know that we will all find that we are connected to people affected.
    >> Be well,
    >> Dan
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  • 2001-09-12
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