I've had to relocate... Publique Deposited


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  • From cvs@mediaone.net Thu Sep 13 07:23:33 2001
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    Subject: Re: I've had to relocate...
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    From: "Clement V. Schettino (Clem)" <cvs@mediaone.net>

    Thanks Vicken,

    No need to be sorry about being the underbidder (GEEERRRR), just

    I found what you just said about the Vermont overstuck on an '83
    enlightening. As most of you know its New Jersey coppers that I really
    specialize in. The statement above got me thinking, years ago I picked
    up a NJ 34-J stuck over a counterfeit Irish 1/2d, and left it at that.
    At the time I had no interest in counterfeits. Well, my next trip to
    the safe deposit box should be fun.


    PS, I like you're bidding style.

    --- In colonial-coins@y..., Vicken Yegparian <vickeny@m...> wrote:
    > Hi Ray and all,
    > Thanks for thinking of us at Stack's--everyone, including family, is
    > but necessarily a bit shaken up. We did postpone our Auction Sale
    > for yesterday and today, and the new dates are November 12 and 13.
    As for
    > Sotheby's--they are located even further away from the disaster than
    > are, so they were not directly affected. I did hear that they closed
    > yesterday and that they might not have been open today.
    > On to a happier topic...congrats to Clem for his capture of the 1783
    > halfpenny. I'm sorry that I had to drive him up so far as the
    > but I have NEVER seen one this nice--and I have about 10 of them in
    > collection, the best being a VF or EF. The report of a 1783 found
    > the Big Dig in Boston is interesting--I believe there is also a
    > lurking out there somewhere that is actually struck over a 1783
    > halfpenny. Perhaps someone remembers what book or auction it
    appeared in?
    > Cheers,
    > Vicken
    > At 08:16 AM 9/12/2001 -0400, you wrote:
    > >Hi Eric!
    > > Glad to hear you and your family are safe. Please continue to
    update us
    > >as your situation changes. Could someone from Stack's email and
    let us know
    > >if all the employees there are okay? Although I don't know anyone
    > >Sotheby's personally, We'd be interested in knowing all is well
    there. Bob
    > >Martin, Tony Terranova... If you live in or near the city, please
    let us
    > >know that you're ok..
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
    > >colonial-coins-unsubscribe@egroups.com
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-09-13
  • 1

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