[Colonial Numismatics] We're okay....(off topic) Publique Deposited


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  • From Sural22@aol.com Thu Sep 13 18:01:29 2001
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    As I was on the concourse level of Bldg 2 when the plane hit, I now wonder
    why I was spared.

    Returning to the city today for the first time since the disaster, I must say
    on a positive note that the feeling of unity and patriotism is overwhelming.

    Ironically, I believe that this act of infamy which is being rejoiced by
    some, will untimately result in bringing about their demise.

    I am overjoyed to read about the safety of our NY members.

    The days of innocence are over. G-d Bless America!

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-09-13
  • 1

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