Ebay 1282041845 Machins ? Publique Deposited


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  • From bkweston@netzero.net Fri Oct 05 17:07:03 2001
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    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: Ebay 1282041845 Machins ?
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    From: "Byron K. Weston" <bkweston@netzero.net>

    No doubt about it, Morris, its Machin's. Last year's C4 auction
    catalog is a good referrence but is not entirely complete as far as
    including every variety. It would still give you an excellent
    referrence as to the characteristics of Machin's pieces. Once you
    study a good referrence you should be able to spot a Machin's at
    first glance. Even though this seller is correct in his assumption, a
    lot of them are not and think that every piece they get is a
    Machin's. Of course, that is the Redbooks' fault since they don't
    seem to care to make the distinction between American and British
    counterfeits. If they are going to include one, they should include
    the other!

    --- In colonial-coins@y..., "Morris E. Hankins" <joshalso2000@y...>
    > Can someone check the coin on ebay #1282041845 and see if it is
    > actually a 1787 Machin's Mill ?
    > I have my doubts. But I've been know to be wrong several hundred
    > thousand times.
    > Morris

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-10-05
  • 1

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