"Winter Auctions" selling a bunch of colonials?? Pubblico Deposited
- From PowerFlame@aol.com Tue Oct 09 16:10:54 2001
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Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 19:10:44 EDT
Subject: "Winter Auctions" selling a bunch of colonials??
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From: PowerFlame@aol.com
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to find out about some antique auction coming up soon in
Connecticut. I've been told by a couple of people that they are selling a
couple hundred colonials, including some high grade VT's, CT's, and some
important NJ's. I believe the name of the company is Winter Auctions
(Connecticut) - does anyone know anything about this auction firm or even
this particular firm? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks!
Eric Cheung - 2001-10-09
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