C4 auction is posted online Publique Deposited
- From tom.rinaldo@att.net Sun Oct 14 14:16:35 2001
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Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:16:30 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: C4 auction is posted online
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From: tom.rinaldo@att.net
Hi everyone
Just now starting to emerge from my work cacoon. Let me first say
that I take complete credit for everything that went well with this
years Sale and absolutely no blame for anything that went in the
slightest way wrong. No, of course I am sorry for all aspects that
did not go as intended, and we will do whatever is possible to make
amends and to as always strive for improovement next year. In that
vein this year the Sale is not late getting out, even for those of
you who don't get it untill early next week. If you don't want to
wait, the whole cataog, pics and all, is now posted online. Go to
www.uscents.com, then click CVM for Chris McCawley, then click
I have a primarilly vacation road trip planned starting Wed, and
don't have much time to correspond. Hopefully my answering machine
will be fixed by then so I can retrieve messages, if not I will leave
my cell phone number on it (I only use it on the road and it does not
have a "mailbox".
I look forward to seeing many of you in Boston. For everyone I know
who lives in NYC, I have been thinking of you.
Tom - 2001-10-14
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