"Missing Item" 上市 Deposited

  • From pattinbpt@mediaone.net Mon Oct 29 23:51:14 2001
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    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: "Missing Item"
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    From: pattinbpt@mediaone.net
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    Awhile back my Brother Chris participated in a mail bid auction for a
    hard to come by book. This particular numismatic book dealer has a
    very stellar reputation. My Brother was the high bidder of the book.
    He was very excited to have finally secured a copy! His high bid was
    fair, however it was a bit lower than market value. To make this story
    short, the dealer claimed to have "misplaced" the reference.

    Please realize that you must never accuse someone of wrongdoing
    without proof, as the accusation of someone who truly just messed up
    would be worse than the perceived action!

    With all of this said, the same dealer, had a copy of the same book
    for sale at a show, later. He never made attempt to honor that one
    mail bid auction. My Brother and I are both immpecably honest, and
    sometimes we are left fealing that we do not garnish the same respect
    as others, due to our (relatively young) ages.

    I guess you do not have to be "new" to this hobby, to feel the cold
    hand of business as usual.

    Geoff Stevens,

來源網址 發布日期
  • 2001-10-29
  • 1
