"Missing Item" & Colonial Cooperation 上市 Deposited
- From joshalso2000@yahoo.com Tue Oct 30 05:32:53 2001
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Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 13:32:50 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: "Missing Item" & Colonial Cooperation
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From: "Morris E. Hankins" <joshalso2000@yahoo.com>
X-Yahoo-Profile: joshalso2000
Donald - As far as the people in this egroup are concerned I have had
no problems and one heck of a lot of help and advice.
Several times I have been warned off of coins I was bidding on, and
the amazing thing is that each time they gave me the reasons and
I am also quite sure they have on occassion laughed their hienies off
at me. I consider myself as an "Relative Young Oldie".
I have learned more from this groups emails and postings than most of
those very dry anthologies in which I have invested heavily. The old
axiom, a picture is worth a 1,000 words is very true.
It would be even nicer if more of the individuals contributed
pictures of their coins and when available pedigree of same.
Regardless of Ebays shortcomings, this venue of trading and showing
information enables one to learn quickly about not only colonials but
others types of coins.
If someone had ever told me that I would wind up collecting colonial
counterfeits, I would have laughed my head off and told them they
were crazier than hootowls.
At the age of 14, I got my first NJ (Nag) and was aware of the Hags
(Ct Reverses). Now that it is later in life, I can now enjoy what
has become an obsession. The purists might be upset at my
terminology of description of these series, but the enjoyment of
holding these pieces and comtemplation of where they have been is
shared throughut the whole spectrum. Probably the only group that
goes into a frenzy at the mention of slabbed colonials.
The colonial and counterfeit groups are contributing more knowledge
to the field of numismatics than any other group. It is also an area
that leaves plenty of room for further advancement and study.
Sorry for being so windy, but am in fine fettle this morning and saw
the opportunity to work off a little oratory.
--- In colonial-coins@y..., DScarinci1@a... wrote:
> I bid on ebay quite often (not for colonial coins) and I have never
had a
> problem with a seller. In colonial coins, you will NEVER have a
problem with
> a dealer reneging or treating you unfairly. This is the best group
> collectors and dealers in numismatics.
> Donald - 2001-10-30
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