C4 Convention Pubblico Deposited
- From ron@coinfacts.com Mon Nov 12 12:42:53 2001
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 20:42:46 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: C4 Convention
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From: ron@coinfacts.com
X-Yahoo-Profile: bestgerman
To everyone,
I just returned from the C4 Convention and, although I was there for
Saturday only, I had a great time. Highlights include:
Watching "Legally Blonde" on the flight from LAX to Boston
Meeting old friends
Making new ones
Buying a few (sadly, just a few) Colonial coins
Seeing Tony Terranova's "New Haven" Fugios
Viewing the Vermont Coppers from the Hinckley collection
Calling the C4 auction
Enjoying a bottle of Tony Carlotto's Vermont Copper Ale
Watching David Palmer parade the flags (you had to be there...Dave,
thanks for helping!)
Hauling out of bed the next morning at 5:30 to make an 8:30 flight
(wait a minute...that was one of the low points of the trip)
Getting home safely
Next year, I'm going to head up a day early to make the important
meetings and poker game!
BTW, I had the opportunity and privilege to photograph some of
Hinckley's Vermonts. If you want to see his monster Ryder 30, check
out the CoinFacts website at www.coinfacts.com (see also R-1, R-28, R-
29...more to follow)
Best wishes,
Ron Guth - 2001-11-12
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