[Colonial Numismatics] Robert Vlack Publique Deposited


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  • From Rosaamltd@aol.com Fri Nov 16 21:52:35 2001
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    Ray, Bob Vlack has left for his winter residence in Florida (he won't be at
    the Connecticut address until late spring). If you haven't received the
    info, e-mail me privately and I will dig out his address and phone number
    down south.

    Jeff Rock

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    <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>Ray, Bob Vlack has left for his winter residence in Florida (he won't be at the Connecticut address until late spring).  If you haven't received the info, e-mail me privately and I will dig out his address and phone number down south.
    <BR>Jeff Rock</FONT></HTML>

URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-11-16
  • 1

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Auteur NNP