[Colonial Numismatics] Albert Collis Publique Deposited


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  • From fuld1@home.com Sat Dec 15 08:10:01 2001
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    From: george fuld <fuld1@home.com>
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    I was heavily involed in this Collis scenario. I discovered the die in
    Newburyport in 1959 from the Perkins family. They sold me the B169 oval
    medal in gold for $150, but retained the case. They wanted $5000 for
    the die--way out of my reach. I tried to get a party to donate this to
    the ANS, but was unsuccessful. Later that year Collis bought the die
    and struck the pieces. The die was donated to ANS after the

    George Fuld

    noe14oak wrote:
    > I just wanted to say that I read in Mondays local paper of the death
    > of Albert Collis. He was 86 and living in Florida. He lived here in
    > Newburyport at one time. He struck the uniface Washington Born
    > Virginia medals in 1959. I believe he lived on Titcomb St. at the
    > time.
    > Does anyone know what happened to the die????
    > The obituary actually mentioned that Albert was intereted in rare
    > coins. Did anyone in C-4 know him personally?
    > Geoff,
    > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-12-15
  • 1

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