long digests 上市 Deposited
- From palmers4@erols.com Fri Dec 21 18:13:37 2001
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I have to agree with Bob on this. Some of the threads are
unbelievably long. It makes it easier on the site to go to a message
of interest and read all posts that pertain to it, but when the daily
digest arrives, it makes for a lengthy process of wading thru the
original messages to get to the one or two line replies.
I decided to post this separately, instead of reply to either Bob or
Byron's messages. I expect that Byron is also right in that the site
works a certain way and there is nothing we can do about that. I do
try to remove the unimportant parts of the messages I reply to, as I
did tonight with my reply to Syd and to Tom. David - 2001-12-21
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