1722 Rosa Americana Penny 上市 Deposited
- From johnmenc@mindspring.com Sun Feb 24 06:48:17 2002
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Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 14:48:11 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: 1722 Rosa Americana Penny
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As some of you may know the errors or oddities always attract my
attention and the Wood series still has some surprises. Noticed on E-
Bay a Rosa American 1722 Penny with a much higher then normal pebbly
surface. My initial thoughts that during the cool down quenching
process of this bath metal piece, this specimen was simply chilled
down much quicker or too soon during the annealing process? The
amount of pebbling is severe to the point that the coin has no coin
ring! The coin weighs 118 grains. The coin does have the file
markings along the edge to remove the burrs from the annealing
process. The letter punches are razor sharp (not cast) and the weight
eliminates it as an electrotype in my opinion. Actually, the pebbling
is the most severe I have seen on any Rosa. Will send to Syd Martin
for his book.
Give me your address-Syd. johnmenc@mindspring.com - 2002-02-24
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