who made CARE Público Deposited


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  • From mhodder@theworld.com Sun Apr 28 07:54:19 2002
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    A quick (and definitely superficial) web search suggests that the
    1,1,1-Trichloriethane in my bottle of Blue Ribbon and the
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane im my bottle of CARE are one and the same
    chemical, whose use is as a metal degreaser. How this can be
    following the EPA's restriction of its manufacture except for
    essential uses is curious (is copper coin maintenance an essential
    use?). Anyway, I suspect that the real difference between CARE and
    Blue Ribbon lies in the composition of the "thin film of silicones"
    left behind by CARE vs. the "lubricant" deposited by Blue Ribbon.

    I just noticed that CARE comes in a light reduced bottle whereas
    Brand X is in a clear glass bottle. I wonder why?

    Mike H

    PS. The original price of my bottle of CARE was $1.35.

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2002-04-28
  • 1


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