C4 article Público Deposited


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  • From mhodder@theworld.com Sat May 04 13:01:28 2002
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    Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 20:01:25 -0000
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    Subject: Re: C4 article
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    --- In colonial-coins@y..., "bkweston" <bkweston@l...> wrote:
    > I'm glad to see that you're not having any problems navigating
    > the site, Mike. You forgot to mention antiquated hardware and
    > software, though...there should be some way for YOU to write off
    > upgrade, you know, you work from home, right?!


    Not to be *too* repetitive, but my objection to in-line attachments
    of big graphic files posted to email lists has never been a function
    of navigation skills or hardware. As for upgrades, well, I waited
    too long and now daughter number one is off to college in September
    with the laptop I wanted to buy for myself (not to mention the
    family fortune made payable to the college ;-)

    Mike H

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2002-05-04
  • 1


Autor NNP