William Wood and the Neath-Abbey Works Öffentlichkeit Deposited

  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Wed Jun 26 22:07:36 2002
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    In overvieiwing the new book book I posted previously to D.Freidus I
    am proud to offer this new piece of information to the colonial
    fratenity. On page 102 the author writes the following on William
    Wood concerning his Hibernia issues and this appears on pages 102-103
    from this work:
    In addition to the foregoing works, I find one Wm. Wood, a proprietor
    of Iron and Copper Works, obtained a Patent in 1720, to coin
    halfpence and farthings for Ireland. The Mint at this time paid
    1s.6d. a lb. for prepared copper, and the change for coinage was 4d.
    a lb.; while the duties and allowances on Copper imported into
    Ireland were 20 pr.ct. The copper used by Wood for his beautiful
    coins was manufactured at the Neath-Abbey Works, until the stupid
    Irish people urged on by the Drapier's letters, politically written
    by Swift against the Government of the day, refused in 1724 to accept
    them in lawful tender, and the unfortunate Patantee was threatned to
    be "scalded to death in his own melting "Copper and then hanged"!*

    *Vide a notice of this in Ch.Knight's "England," vol.vi.,pp.51,52,
    where also are to be seen woodcuts of the 3 coins of Geo.I.

    JPL:The importance of this reference is two-fold it supports the
    coinage was rejected primarily for political reasons and not due to
    weight or fineness of the coins as Irish counterpart coinage when
    produced in England was always of a lesser quality and it provides
    the copper source of the Wood coinage being at the Neath-Abbey Works
    in the Swansea District.

    Respectively submitted,
    John Lorenzo

Quell-URL Veröffentlichungsdatum
  • 2002-06-26
  • 1

