U.S. Copper/Mining references to consider Público Deposited

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Sat Jun 29 11:37:41 2002
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    A recent inquiry if mining existed for any other colonies. In my
    opinion to answer an overview of this book was in order in my library:

    Peter M. Molloy. The History of Metal Mining and Metallurgy. An
    Annotated Bibilography. Garland Publishing, Inc. 1986.

    In terms of American Mining only try these reference sources:

    1. Ira B. Joraleman. Copper :The Encompassing Story of Mankind's
    First Medal. Berkely, Calif.: Howell-North Books, 1973. 407 pasges.

    2.Richard H. Phepls. Newgate of Connecticut: Its Origins and Early
    History. Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Co., 1876. The Simburg
    copper mine which was also used as a prison during the American
    Revolution as already indicated by D.F..

    3. Thomas A. Rickard. A History of American Mining. New York: McGraw
    Hill, 1932.

    4.Alfred L. Rowse. The Cousin Jacks:The Cornish in America. New
    York:Schribner, 1969. 451 pages. JPL: Social History of the Cornish
    Miners by a noted English historian. Cornwall copper and tin miners
    bringing their expertise to America.

    5. Harry & Grace Weiss. Old Copper Mines of New Jersey. Trenton,
    N.J.:Past Times Press. 1963. 94 pages. JPL: Colonial Copper Mining-
    The standard. Silberman's ace for his CNL write-up G.T mentioned in
    the CNL.

    6.Josiah B.Whitney. The Metallic Wealth of the U.S., Dsecribed and
    compared with other countries. Philadelphia:Lippincott, Grambo & Co.
    1854. 510 pages. Reprint. Amos Press, 1970. Best book on American
    mining to 1854 as per Otis Young.

    I owned 2 and sold it. Currently 5 is in my library. Does anyone own
    1,3,4 or 6?

    Thanks again for the review. Vlack 20-87C is rare. Ed.S. was is the
    current census on this variety???

    John Lorenzo

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2002-06-29
  • 1


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