A challenge for Eric Publique Deposited

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  • From jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com Wed Jul 03 08:28:06 2002
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    Prove me wrong. One of the biggest disappointments in my research
    endeavors was not linking Matthew Boulton to the Rhode Island Ship
    Medal (Token), however circumstantial evidence in "my opinion" is
    very strong.
    Since you will be an intern at the ANS and have the greatest
    numismatic library in the Western Hemisphere at your disposal - prove
    to everyone how ridiculous this paper was when it was printed. The
    first Boulton medal is not documented for at least another decade
    past the "suspected issuance period" of this RI piece.
    Take the challenge. Indirectly, it will give you excellent worldwide
    numismatic experience.
    How can it hurt???

URL source Date publiée
  • 2002-07-03
  • 1

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