Dan Freidus article in Coin World 上市 Deposited
- From noe14oak@yahoo.com Fri Jul 12 13:13:18 2002
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--- In colonial-coins@y..., "ershye" <ershye@a...> wrote:
> Hi Dan. I liked your article covering the upcoming book by Lou
> on John Hull, the Mint and the Economics of Massachusetts Coinage.
> Being a serious collector of Massachusetts silver I am very much
> looking forward to reading this book.
> Thanks Lou for your efforts and for the trip back into time.
> Ed
I also enjoyed reading Dans' article on Jordans' upcoming release.
Does anyone have an idea on when this great publication will be
By the way, I did something very neat yesterday. After persistently
trying, I was allowed to go into the Mass. Historical Society
yesterday and "examine" the N.E. threepence!!!!
As an added bonus, I also was allowed to look at the willow sixpence!!
What did you guys do yesterday??
I may soon be writing something up for the C-4 journal.
Geoff, - 2002-07-12
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