NY copper moines Público Deposited

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  • From brianinalbany@aol.com Thu Jul 25 07:19:24 2002
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    Hi John,

    I appreciate your response as to Governor Hunter's 1715 letter. However,
    Gov. Hunter did not specify the location of the copper mine other than to say
    that it was in New York, which would have included that section of New Jersey
    that incorporated the Schuyler Mine. If you are aware of any correspondence
    from Hunter as to site specific for copper mines in 1715, I would appreciate
    the reference. All this said, I agree with you that the 1715 reference
    probably pertains to the Schuyler mine.

    If a more concrete connection can be made between Hunter's request to use
    colonial mined copper and coinage for colonial use / circulation, I would
    find that connection most interesting. This is especially true given your
    research efforts.

    Aside from Reed's 1730s effort to have Connecticut copper used to make
    colonial coinage, are you or anyone else aware of any other instance(s) /
    references that pertain to colonial mined copper and coinage for the colonies
    ? ? ?

    Brian D.

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    <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>Hi John,
    <BR>I appreciate your response as to Governor Hunter's 1715 letter.  <B>However, </B>Gov. Hunter did not specify the location of the copper mine other than to say that it was in New York, which would have included that section of New Jersey that incorporated the Schuyler Mine.  If you are aware of any correspondence from Hunter as to site specific for copper mines in 1715, I would appreciate the reference.  All this said, I agree with you that the 1715 reference <B>probably </B>pertains to the Schuyler mine.  
    <BR>If a more concrete connection can be made between Hunter's request to use colonial mined copper and coinage for colonial use / circulation, I would find that connection most interesting.  This is especially true given your research efforts.
    <BR>Aside from Reed's 1730s effort to have Connecticut copper used to make colonial coinage, are you or anyone else aware of any other instance(s) / references that pertain to colonial mined copper and coinage for the colonies ? ? ?
    <BR>Brian D.   

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2002-07-25
  • 1


Autor NNP