NY copper moines Pubblico Deposited
- From jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com Thu Jul 25 09:11:15 2002
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--- In colonial-coins@y..., brianinalbany@a... wrote:
> Hi John,
> I appreciate your response as to Governor Hunter's 1715 letter.
> Gov. Hunter did not specify the location of the copper mine other
than to say
> that it was in New York, which would have included that section of
New Jersey
> that incorporated the Schuyler Mine. If you are aware of any
> from Hunter as to site specific for copper mines in 1715, I would
> the reference. All this said, I agree with you that the 1715
> probably pertains to the Schuyler mine.
> If a more concrete connection can be made between Hunter's request
to use
> colonial mined copper and coinage for colonial use / circulation, I
> find that connection most interesting. This is especially true
given your
> research efforts.
> Aside from Reed's 1730s effort to have Connecticut copper used to
> colonial coinage, are you or anyone else aware of any other instance
(s) /
> references that pertain to colonial mined copper and coinage for
the colonies
> ? ? ?
> Brian D.
This reference came from the Weis & Weis book previously mentioned. I
will check my library sources further for your request. As a side
note -and take this with a grain of salt - when reviewing English
reference mining books concerning copper mining in the US Colonies
only two mines - let's just say -got the English excited - the Higley
& Schuyler mines.
When I get a chance I will post-up the entire citation of Hunter from
the Weis&Weis reference and any other citations found. The date
matching of Kayla's reference to Weis & Weis is beyond coincidental
and the reference was found in the Schuyler Chapter within Weis &
Weis. I am at work it may be a couple a days as I am preparing for
the Mott talk. - 2002-07-25
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