"RR40" on eBay...... 上市 Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] Re


  • From ershye@aol.com Fri Sep 27 16:07:22 2002
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: "RR40" on eBay......
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    Hi John, I find it interesting that the reverse of these so called
    counterfeit "Ryder-40's are in an earlier die state than say, lot 5086 of
    Bowers March 27-31, 1989 sale. I am not aware of any instance when dies of
    two different series are mated that at least one of them is in a sorry state.
    Examples of this are Ryder-13, 31 and 39 of the Vermont series.

    So I don't see how can you call your coin a counterfeit when genuine
    Ryder-20's were struck in a later die state...unless....

    Also in the Vermont series, out of all the coins related to the Ryder-20 ie
    same obverse/reverse, the only one that is found overstruck is the Ryder-14
    and that is very seldom found with this common variety. I would say Rarity-7,
    and they are overstruck on Nova Constellatio's not 1770.

    I think Clem made mention of this point. Who in their right mind would sell a
    $45000 coin for less than $10000?

    Any one care to offer me a genuine Willow tree shilling or a 9-87NY Machins
    for a fifth of what it is worth?


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    <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> Hi John, I find it interesting that the reverse of these so called counterfeit "Ryder-40's are in an earlier die state than say, lot 5086 of Bowers March 27-31, 1989 sale. I am not aware of any instance when dies of two different series are mated that at least one of them is in a sorry state. Examples of this are Ryder-13, 31 and 39 of the Vermont series. <BR>
    So I don't see how can you call your coin a counterfeit when genuine Ryder-20's were struck in a later die state...unless....<BR>
    Also in the Vermont series, out of all the coins related to the Ryder-20 ie same obverse/reverse,  the only one that is found overstruck is the Ryder-14 and that is very seldom found with this common variety. I would say Rarity-7,  and they are overstruck on Nova Constellatio's not 1770.<BR>
    I think Clem made mention of this point. Who in their right mind would sell a $45000 coin for less than $10000?<BR>
    Any one care to offer me a genuine Willow tree shilling or a 9-87NY Machins for a fifth of what it is worth? <BR>
來源網址 發布日期
  • 2002-09-27
  • 1
