[No Subject] Public Deposited
- From bkweston@lazerlink.com Sat Oct 05 19:47:09 2002
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--- In colonial-coins@y..., "fakestuff75" <bpk125@h...> wrote:
> Hi Byron. I don't know if the original group is still intact.... I
> vaguely recall buying some of them myself, in which case you may
> already own some if you bought out of the Coin Galleries sale in
> early 90's! I may be wrong; I'll ask Bill if he remembers.
Unfortunately Bill only mentions the 5 RR40s and the 14 1770-dated
counterfeit halfpence in the book, Bruce, which leaves much unknown
about the other 68 coins. If they've been dispersed then I would
doubt that Bill would remember much about what they were - he should
have been more detailed about what they were while he was at it.
That's what made me wonder about the coins that John was selling for
Bill, as they all seem to have the same patina, suggesting that they
were stored together for a time in the same environment. I have no
real interest in the RR40s, myself, but am curios about the 1770-
dated counterfeit halfpence, since it/they are a variety known to me.
Byron - 2002-10-05
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