Hard Copies Público Deposited

C4 Catalogs

Contenido del artículo
  • From tom.rinaldo@att.net Tue Oct 29 18:53:10 2002
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    Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 02:53:06 -0000
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: C4 Catalogs: Hard Copies
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    By now all should know that the 2002 C4 Sale is available online at
    uscents.com, under The CVM (Chris McCawley) banner, under the M$G
    auctions link. The internet is wonderful for this type of thing!
    Don't start looking for your copy in the mailbox yet though. As soon
    as the text was laid out in the format program by the printer, the
    file was emailed over to the uscents site. In other words, before
    the actual printing began. That takes a couple of days, and then
    there is binding the pages, then actually getting the catalogs
    stuffed in envelopes, labeled etc. for mailing.

    First ones should go in the mail this weekend, but not all will
    likely go out the same day, not enough "staffing" available out there
    in Oklahoma to pull all that off that quickly, it can take 2 or 3

    We are about a week or so behind planned schedule because half of the
    coins in this sale weren't consigned untill mid September, and over a
    third were not available to be cataloged untill early October. Plus
    it turned out to be one of the largest, if not largest C4 Sale to
    date, about 625 lots, 90 more than last year. That slows up the
    cataloging, photo scanning , lay out, printing etc, by 15% right
    there. Anyway members of this group are the lucky ones who are able
    to go online and get it now. Happy Hunting


URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2002-10-29
  • 1


Autor NNP