Bad sellers on e-bay Público Deposited
[Colonial Numismatics] Re
- From Sat Nov 02 04:45:54 2002
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Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Bad sellers on e-bay
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Yes - I do hail from the Boston area. But I 'discovered' him on either Ebay or
on a separate web site he was running - can't remember which.
I know plenty of the stuff being sold by spice363 were pieces also being
offered by a guy named George S. also in Springfield. Actually met him in
I assumed they were all one person using multiple names as the coin photos
were always the same - hand held coin with a distinctive thumb in the shot.
Not sure the nature of the problems others have had with them -
--- In colonial-coins@y..., rg5turc@a... wrote:
> JA...........Do you hail from the Mass area and is that how you know Bruce M?
> A few people in the group have had the unfortunate experience of dealing
> with him on ebay. I live in the next city over from where his store is
> located in Springfield and have had a few run in's with him at local shows as
> well as his pawn shop where he sells a good number of his coins. His store
> being located in the "Red Light" district of Springfield you see some er ah "
> interesting clientel bringing in the (Uncle's) collection" to pawn. It's how
> cold metal coinage transforms itslef into a state of "hot"!
> Ray T. - 2002-11-02
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