[Colonial Numismatics] Re Publique Deposited

Bad sellers on e-bay

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  • From bkweston@lazerlink.com Sat Nov 02 08:10:26 2002
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    Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Bad sellers on e-bay
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    --- In colonial-coins@y..., bawjaw@a... wrote:
    > Hi
    > I also just joined C4 about a month ago and have been interested in
    > Colonial's for about 2 years. However, I am a "westcoaster". I
    have dealt
    > with both Bruce and George without complaint on the individual
    > However, I also have observed this schilling process between the
    two of them;
    > stopped dealing with them and turn it into ebay. Ebay's response
    was there
    > is no evidence. You may want to provide them with that additional
    > Also, who are the other two I need to watch out for?
    > Jim W

    I'll look in to it when I can find the time. I know that kgb150 was
    brazen enough to bid on his own coins using his own alias ID; coin-
    2002. Both of those are no longer active. Others feedback profiles
    you may want to check are worthycoin, morgantrader, morgantraders
    (with and s); and there are a couple of others I don't recall off-
    hand that may or may not be active or have changed. (It'd be a simple
    matter of plugging in the old moniker into a search and the new one
    will come up, though.) I have a pretty good idea how they have set
    things up between them, and like I said, I've been able to predict
    the price they agree to max the lot out at. I've also noticed that
    they know when to push a price up when they have a bidder, especially
    an early bidder, who seems determined to come out on top.
    eBay, I have found, ignores the obvious and otherwise turns a blind
    eye. The only way to combat such tactics is to make it known in a
    forum such as this. Everyone else will have to tough it out or learn
    on their own.
    Perhaps to be fair, though, several lots have sold for reasonable
    prices. I guess it's just a matter of whether or not you want risk
    paying too much to come out the winner. I've noticed that a lot of
    people get caught up in the fever of an auction, myself included, and
    it becomes more of a personal competition rather than resembling any
    sense of reasonability. Of course, that is what these people are
    depending on. That is also why they do it, sort of greed playing off
    of greed.

URL source Date publiée
  • 2002-11-02
  • 1

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