I own a Real GMM Deerhead 上市 Deposited


  • From buell@vectrafitness.com Sat Nov 23 10:40:24 2002
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    Subject: Re: I own a Real GMM Deerhead
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    I found the "deerhead" faster than I thought I could. With it is a
    short note signed by Ron Landis. It is on the 2x2 card in the flip.
    It says, "'Deer Head' over 62.5R Deer Head die was soft and used by
    mistake imprinting into the die 8-12-96 Ron Landis H" The "H" is
    in a different hand. Maybe this was donated lot "H". As Ron says
    this is over a 62.5R. In other words, the coin started as a normal
    GMM 62.5R. Then it was overstruck, about 35% to 40% off center with
    two different dies. I clearly has two plows that are very different.
    The deerhead plow arcs much more toward the ground. The top of the
    deerhead is off the planchet. The edge of the coin is about where
    the deer's eyes would be. The reverse also has imprints of two
    different dies. First was the R reverse on center. The other reverse
    is probably the GMM "F" used as part of their 8-F NJ. It is a cool

    If you want me to post a photo, maybe I could mail it to someone
    (known to me) with that capability. My scanner no longer works since
    I upgraded to Windows XP. If you are thinking of buying a Nikon
    product like a digital camera, look at the list of no longer
    supported products on their web site. I was told by Nikon customer
    service people that Nikon intends to support products for 3 years.
    To me digital cameras/scanners are too expensive to have to throw
    them out in 3 years. I need a device driver for a Nikon AX-1200 and
    no one is going to make it. $800 down the drain. The "bleeding-edge"
    of technology.

    The deerhead was a much better buy.

    Regards, Buell Ish

來源網址 發布日期
  • 2002-11-23
  • 1
