Abel Buell map on eBay Público Deposited

Contenido del artículo
  • From buell@vectrafitness.com Sat Nov 23 10:51:19 2002
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    Subject: Abel Buell map on eBay
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    There is an Abel Buell map on eBay #922832552, closing in only 2
    hours. At first I was hoping to buy it as I thought it might be
    genuine. The description does not say it is a reproduction. I
    emailed the seller, and learned that it is indeed a reproduction.
    Darn. As the price is up to $61, I'm dropping out. I suspect those
    bidding might think it an original. I decided to post it here as it
    might be of interest to someone. (not to help this seller who could
    have been more forthcoming in the description).


URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2002-11-23
  • 1


Autor NNP