Happy Thanksgiving! Público Deposited
- From rg5turc@aol.com Wed Nov 27 02:16:58 2002
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Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 05:16:51 EST
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving!
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Morning All,
I was just sitting here having my cup of coffee and thinking about what
Thanksgiving is all about. The world has become such a mixed-up carazy place
that it will be nice to settle down with family tomorrow and enjoy the
simpler things in life even if for just one day........so I hope those who
are travelling have a safe trip and a special wish that everyone enjoy their
day and the company of their loved ones!
Have a great and safe day,
Ray T.
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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">Morning All,<BR>
I was just sitting here having my cup of coffee and thinking about what Thanksgiving is all about. The world has become such a mixed-up carazy place that it will be nice to settle down with family tomorrow and enjoy the simpler things in life even if for just one day........so I hope those who are travelling have a safe trip and a special wish that everyone enjoy their day and the company of their loved ones!<BR>
Have a great and safe day,<BR>
Ray T.</FONT></HTML>
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