A "Secret" Paper on Higleys Público Deposited
- From coinrarities@yahoo.com Sun Dec 08 15:41:44 2002
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Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 23:41:43 -0000
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Subject: A "Secret" Paper on Higleys
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Hi All:
I wanted to share this with the e-group. It is possible that
others are as clueless as I was until today.
I was emailing our resident expert on Higley Coppers (Dan Friedus)
with some questions earlier today. I also asked him if he was
thinking of publishing his research on Higleys, and if so -- when?
His response surprised me. He said he had published such a paper
in a past COAC conference in 1986, but that it might be time for an
update. I said -- Wha...?
I didn't know this paper existed. It is in the ANS COAC
Proceedings from the conference on TOKENS (you know, the one I didn't
buy because I figured I would never need such a book. How about all
of you?).
Anyway, now I know. And now YOU know (if you didn't know
already). It covers census info and the known die varieties, among
other things.
Dave W. - 2002-12-08
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