Dave Bowers, FYI Pubblico Deposited
- From rogersiboni@aol.com Fri Jan 24 08:23:38 2003
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Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 16:23:31 -0000
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Subject: Re: Dave Bowers, FYI
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Pursuing outside interests is generally not considered a good thing.
I don't think this bodes well for B&M's ability to render TLC and
provide numismatic value to collecting community out of disinterested
--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
> Hi All,
> I just want to share a post that I just read from the ANA's YN
Newsletter. Does anyone know who Paul Montgomery is?
> Changes at Bowers and Merena Galleries
> Collectors Universe Inc. today announced management transitions
within the Company's coin auction division Bowers and Merena
Galleries. Paul Montgomery has been named President of Bowers and
Merena Galleries, assuming the day-to-day functions of past President
David Bowers and Vice
> President Christine Karstedt, effective January 22, 2003. Founder
Q. David Bowers is considering an offer from the Company to remain in
a position at Bowers & Merena that will allow him to devote more of
his time to numismatic projects, marketing activities and promotional
programs for Bowers &
> Merena. Christine Karstedt has left the Company to pursue outside
interests - 2003-01-24
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