a hornet's nest Público Deposited


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  • From bkweston@lazerlink.com Fri Jan 24 13:44:30 2003
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    Subject: Re: a hornet's nest
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    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Ray Williams <njraywms@o...>
    > I hope not to stir up a hornet's nest, but I'd like to get the
    thoughts of this group... How do you feel about making your research
    work available digitally, either on CD or on an appropriate web
    site? For a fee or for free? I'm positive that none of you would
    have problems obtaining research this way. I'll hold my thoughts
    until I hear from others.
    > Ray W

    I'd hate to burst anyone's bubble, but from a fudiciary standpoint
    there is no money in writing books about coins - when is the last
    time you saw one on the best seller's list?
    On the other hand I would also want some rights to my own ideas and
    images, even if through a secondary source, such as CNL, and would be
    leary about every Tom, Dick and Harriet pirating copies. Since I
    already know that I'm never going to get rich writing about coins I
    simply leave such matters to my editor.
    Only cataloguers can make a living writing about coins and that's not
    necessarily because of what they know but usually because of what
    they've heard. ;-) <S>

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2003-01-24
  • 1


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